Your Dad is a Bear

Vampires, Immortality, and Purpose with RiddleMeKat and Dani Kay

Episode Summary

We explore the world of vampires with how they are portrayed in media. We take particular interest in their immortality. With all the time in the world, there are endless choices with how to spend your time.

Episode Notes

We explore the world of vampires with how they are portrayed in media. We take particular interest in their immortality. With all the time in the world, there are endless choices with how to spend your time.


3:43 Vampires:
Of all the folkloric creatures, vampires tend to be popular in modern day pop culture. Whether we know of them through media, books, or history, there's no denying their glamor.

7:47 Immortality:
Perhaps the most alluring aspect of vampire lore, immortality has its ups and downs.

11:47 Slow Death:
Before science and technology broke through to our modern day understanding of the moment a human body dies, misunderstandings from history paved the way for stories of torment. Imagine being conscious and fully aware for a period of time after being declared dead.

18:55 All the Time:
All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you. However, what if time lost its value? Continuing the discussion on immortality, what is there to do with your time as you live forever?

27:11 Vampires on TV:
Circling back to a blood-sucking topic, we discuss TV shows that discern vampires in interesting, humanistic ways.

38:05 Dani Hates Chad

39:13 Purpose:
It is purpose that defines us, that drives us, that connects us, that binds us. Without connecting with other people, what is our purpose?

49:37 Love Languages:
Relationships can thrive if we understand each other's love language. Whether it's words of affirmation, acts of service, giving and receiving gifts, quality time, and/or physical touch, your love language can help define your relationships.